Get wet and pick up some nips with your mouth

Don’t mind the noise! It may be deafening to your eardrums, but such monotonic cacophony was only a product of an unsullied outburst when you are having fun with friends. If you were facilitating this game, you could be infected by pure bliss. Your lips started moving apart, then forming a beautiful masterpiece that stretches your muscle with a wide grin followed by tumultuous chuckles.

Get wet and pick up some nips under the flour with your mouth to win this fun contest was one of the games we facilitated with the Goducate scholars a few months ago. Taking them off from the usual routines to this tranquil place and asked them to make some noise was an understatement of releasing their stress. This is just one way of conveying our message to the scholars that, we at Goducate, cares.

Suitcase of emotion

Is still there a chance that you will also love me? A friend asked me thru text one inky night. I did not answer her. Instead, I replied to her with another question.

A few months ago, she told me in front of our friends that she liked me. Because she said it with her usual antics, I did not believe her. I thought she was just joking. If her purpose was just to tease me she was not victorious. Her joke did not even cause a sudden surge of my blood up to my face.

But, I admit that I found her attractive. Not because of wit as she is not or her physical asset because she is not well-endowed. But because of her color that captured my eyes. I wanted to court her. But, I needed to know more about her.

It was not difficult for me to follow her because we attended the same church and hanged out with the same faces. At first, I enjoyed her company and thought that she has a bubbly personality. Then days, weeks, and months passed and her true color surfaced before my eyes. Being with her has become a source of discomfort, and slowly the enjoyment has turned into displeasure.

Now that she asked me the same question, I have to respond to her before our friendship gets sour. “No, I don’t love you the same way you feel for me.”

Yes, personality really matters in a relationship, in the same way that human needs food and water to survive.